Personal Training

There are several key tenets that I observe as a trainer:

  • Strength without flexibility is valueless. Flexibility without strength is worthless.

  • Uncoordinated people have no right to be strong. That is like handing a toddler a handgun.

  • Before you move weight around, learn to move your own weight around.

  • Skill training and isolated strength training are complementary.

  • Learn the right way to do everything. Then invent the infinite wrong ways.

  • You CAN have it all.


As a trainer, I focus primarily on bodyweight training, with the addition of weight to strengthen in isolation and for lower-body linear strength. I believe that working on skills like handstands and back levers keeps people more engaged than just adding a 5 lb plate to each side of the barbell every other week. The term functional fitness gets thrown around like kettlebells at a HIIT gym, but I rarely see it in action. By improving range of motion, with strength, and finding an optimal balance between action and inaction, I believe it is possible to improve your longevity and quality of life infinitely.


I will no-rep you. I will regress you. If your scapulae wont stay retracted on a pull-up, you’re doing chin ups; if they don’t stay retracted in a chin up, you will do eccentrics. Shortcuts lead to weakness. Weakness leads to injury. The dividends paid by working properly in the early stages of training cannot be underestimated.

First session with a new client is 90 minutes, to allow time for diagnostics, both physical and mental. Subsequent training sessions are 60 minutes, but may run over depending on availability. Session costs are the same regardless of where we train. Contact for more information and pricing.
